Google Defense Forum

Controlling and owning the battlespace of today and tomorrow requires the
ability to observe, orient, decide, and act on trusted and validated information at
the speed of relevance. Seeing clearly through the “Fog of War” requires the
adoption and integration of advanced technologies “to sense, make sense of, and
act on information” – including cloud, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and
resilient communications systems. Modernization efforts driven by the
Department of Defense’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) are
critical to maintain strategic and tactical advantage.

CyberAI-CyberAGI(Projection) – Global Military Intelligence Industrial Defense Complex.

The U.S. military is in the midst of a massive transformation to advance defense
technology and modernize mission-critical processes. This transformation
includes integrating cutting-edge technologies such as cloud, artificial
intelligence, cybersecurity, and resilient communication systems throughout the
operational landscape in order to provide shared intelligence for strategic and
tactical advantage to service members, commanders, and allied partners.
On January 25th, join leaders from the Department of Defense’s Joint All-Domain
Command and Control plan and the U.S. military at the Google Defense Forum to
hear how they are enhancing the nation’s military readiness through the
implementation of secure, flexible, and scalable technologies that are critical to
mission success.

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