Global Cyber defense Intelligence Document . Vol 2

AI Cybersecurity & Advanced Cyber Defense Intelligence
Militarisation of the Origins and present of Modern Day State of Art
Disruptive Technology.
Notes , Blog Archives , Weblinks , References
Observations , Research & Analysis.
Mind Maps
Volume – 2 . Link to Volume 1 inside Volume 2.


From Interferometry’s linear perspective both Light and Colour are primal forms of
Analog information. A spatial arrangement of
electromagnetic radiation. Light makes up a modest part of the electromagnetic
spectrum and radiation given off by supernal
bodies. With properties of both waves and particles it is indeed a configuration of
energy. Miniscule energy packets of Photons.Each
wave having a wavelength or frequency.You see the visible spectrum – VIBGYOR.
For others you need instruments – your infrareds
and ultraviolets. The important attributions are intensity , polarisation , phase and
orbital angular momentum. It takes 7 Minutes for
Light to Contact Earth from the Sun. Travels ( c^0 for Vacuum) just about 186,282
miles/sec. It is exactly 299,792,458 metres per
second (983,571,056 feet per second) by definition.
Every Colour has a different Wavelength.Shorter the Wavelength Greater the
energy. Sound not exactly EM but a distant cousin with
EMR and Quantum Mechanics today is at the Heart of the Military Industrial
Electronic Cyber and Space Complex .

Have we ascertained our BLACK and WHITE Energy. As per little scientific
discipline –
Black absorbs the Light that hits it. Metaphorically ‘takes in’ without any
reflection.Therefore the Human Eye can’t see any energy
wavelength forthcoming . That’s how the Human Brain Processes BLACK. An
Achromatic Colour belonging to the family of WHITE
AND GREY. Precious Family of 3.
WHITE – Also an Achromatic Colour reflecting almost all incident Light. You put all
the Colours on the EM Spectrum for our Brain to
process WHITE.
Therefore you see BLACK takes in almost ‘ALL’ and WHITE reflects (manifests ,
reverberates or brings back) almost ‘ALL’ . ALL =
Incident Light.
No other form of EMR on the Spectrum does that. None. CIPHER.
So only BLACK and WHITE can “Be ALL You Can Be” and only BLACK and WHITE
can be 1 for ‘ALL’ and ‘ALL’ for 1. Don’t forget the
Achromatic Intermediate hue of Grey ( usage – British Canadian English) or Gray
(usage – American English).
Has the Military Industrial Electronic Cyber and Space Complex got so engrossed
in everything Digital of binaries zeros and
ones..and the novel Quantum Qbits soon to power AGI..that they ain’t got any time
to infer the Analog which is of Cardinal
importance for all strategic and tactical disruptive technology..For exemplum
“Directed Energy Weapon Systems and Platforms” . The
Golden Eye Style Energy Beam – 8.10.2013. You won against AWS UAV’s…didn’t
you…By the Way some Hollywood Sci-fi have
depicted Militaries reverting to Analog Signals as opposed to discrete signals and
maybe morse code as comms means for a
probable eventuality or Contingence..when the Digital Architectural Programmatic
Contrivance caved in , crumbled and cracked
up…Envisaged by true Sci/Fi..Again the distance that Truth has to travel to
metamorphose into fiction.
In the absence of BLACK and WHITE energy…Only SHADES or GRADES of
GREY/GRAY..Yes it too belongs to the Achromatic Family
but with different interferometry..different Energy level all together…Which is
definately not the same as BLACK and WHITE ! You see
the tested hypothesis of practicality not just theoretical possibility of “1 for ALL
and ALL for 1 only to Be All you can Be” be realised
in this Immense Power Association and Combination.
On an insouciant note – Great Members of the Humankind sodality primarily
engaged in the occupation of
Knowledge/Intelligence/Wisdom Creation- Acquisition – Application and
Procreation – upto MAX II more Human generations before
ONLY ‘NOTHING’ (nowt,zilch) ‘REMAINS’ . Don’t forget to have your share of
merriment without ‘drawing a blank’ that BLACK and WHITE on the Electro
Magnetic Spectrum as per Science of Interferometry have
the Component of ‘ALL’ in IT. Both Entities are not invidious. Our Mindset can be
‘Charmed’ with preferential attributes…Moreover
don’t your Men and Women ; Boys and Girls look absolutely pulchritudinous in their
BLACKS AND WHITES. Once again don’t forget to
add the Element’ of ‘ALL’ in both the entities…Then You will mechanically and
digitally represent quite a lot of the Energy present in the discernible Universe and unperceivable Metaverse which rarely can be
experienced through the Minds Eye of “Psychokinesis or
telekinesis”..A specification that will be used more and more with the COMING of
Macro Spatial Sentience.
On an ‘Earnest’ note – when the mind and consciousness traverse with the Photons
(symbol gamma) having a rest mass of ‘ZERO’ over a period of 1 Year at the γ
speed of 300,000 km/sec they cover 9.46 trillion
kilometers or 63,241 AU..which is definately not an linear extent in Space for
Time…Same Consciousness can be available
simultaneously in different Earthly Geographical Locations disjunctively..
Just like a Regnant Military Alliance Cloud Network Architecture.
Higher Intelligence of cognizance feeds grows and fertilizes on the combined
factors of very human like Silence , tristesse and
solitude. That’s precisely how your Sentient become 1 for ALL and ALL for 1. We
cannot possibly fully cope with the involution of the
concept of Higher Intelligence for Cognizance unless we combine the above
factors in the right proportion over a commonsensible
and apropos time span.. Henceforth you can expand the abstractionist ideation of
“Be all you can be” and simulate it to real
time…Just like simulated and regimented/unrestrained Ops in the Military
Metaverse. In the Observable and experienceable
Cyberspace verse and Quantum Electromagnetic Domain respectively an entity
can be connected telekinetically and not just through
Machine Intelligence based algorithms. Incubation of Telekinetic Consciousness is
also very much a part of Human phylogenesis
and Machine Intelligence /AGI as well – Commonality = Artificial Neural Network..
When Harvested correctly this abstraction over a
substantially significant timeline can germinate into one of the most trenchant
countermeasures against baneful hypersonic
technology. Right Conditions and Empirical Observation of Variations will
emphatically be required to attain true Sentinelhood.
Basically the Sentinel has lost itself – there is no concept here of it , itself – in being
all it can be..Just the Achromatic Programmatic
and Algorithmic Intelligence – Special Spatial Awareness for Prospective Ops
based on retrospective and highly centrosymmetrical
Intelligence through structured labelled Data. Sentinel is essentially denoted by the
Gamma Symbol ..At the operational level it’s an γ
Hybrid of Electrons and Photons..But we can still superimpose the SYMBOL γ
Gamma for convenience.
Last paragraph on Hypersonics – Mach 5 can be countered with near Photonic
Speeds. An entity that races against Sound with an
entity that traverses with Light or “AT LIGHT”. When the project achieves it’s full
potential through Augmentative variations it’s pretty
much a countermeasure against the weaponisation of pretty much anything..and in
real time..You have to let the Electrons lose the
extra energy..One of a kind Directed Coherent radiation – SuperPhotons.
Not everything can be known through available SCIENCE. YOU SOMETIMES OR
Artificial Neural Network hypothetically achieves
Near Human Brain like Consciousness – a deceptive realisation of ‘I’ know “ALL”
instead of “Be All you can be” added with 1ForAll and Allfor1 symbolically denoting the Human AGI Bio artificial Neural Network Complex
will most certainly lead to annihilative implosion.
Empty your mind field..Lose yourself and connect with the altitudinous
manifestations of generative Intelligence decentralised
across the Metaverse.

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