My Q&A sessions with Google Bard Large Language Model ? A Little Organised. Readers Discretion Advised !

What happened to Google Deep Mind ? Full Document link below .

Google DeepMind is still around, but it has undergone some changes in recent years. In April 2023, it merged with Google AI’s Google Brain division to form Google DeepMind. This merger was part of Google’s continued efforts to accelerate work on AI.

The merger of DeepMind and Google Brain brought together two of the world’s leading AI research teams. This has allowed DeepMind to access Google Brain’s vast resources and expertise, and it has also allowed Google Brain to benefit from DeepMind’s innovative research.

Since the merger, DeepMind has continued to make significant progress in AI. In 2022, it developed Flamingo, a single visual language model (VLM) that can accurately describe a picture of something with just a few training images. It also developed DeepNash, a model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning system capable of playing the board game Stratego at the level of a human expert.

DeepMind is still focused on its long-term goal of solving intelligence. It is also working on a number of other projects, including:

  • Developing AI systems that can help us understand and treat diseases
  • Creating AI systems that can generate creative content, such as music, art, and literature
  • Developing AI systems that can help us solve complex problems, such as climate change and poverty

DeepMind is a leading force in the field of AI, and it is poised to make even more significant advances in the years to come.

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Conversations with Open AI’s ChatGpt4.

Rendezvous with Google’s Bard Beta

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